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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Behind the Headphone Measurements

Here's the 'in room' measurements made with the microphones not in my ears and in the sweet spot:

Then The Microphones placed in my ears sitting in the sweet spot:

Time domain Change of the right ear via waterfall plot:

Time domain of all four measurements via RT60:

That's about it.  Took just over 4,000 words.


  1. What tools/software did you use for this specific measurement?


    P.S. I had a dog that looked similar to Iris.

  2. The software is Room EQ Wizard from the home theater shack and the microphones are from sound professionals--their top of the line binaural ones.

  3. "microphones are from sound professionals--their top of the line binaural ones."

    Interesting! I didn't know they made such a thing. I'll have to get a set just for screwing around.

  4. They are cheap(relatively) and do a pretty cool job. Great for recording as well. You software savy could make an awesome 3d virtualizer. Just give me a cut ;)
